You were often the protagonist in my story; the one taking the risk, living in faith, moving beyond their past, living on love and embracing your identity as a new creation in Christ. I want to tell you that your story mattered. Your life was at times exactly the inspiration that I needed. The character of a young person after God’s heart, perhaps scared of what life was really like, apprehensive of what their future might hold, of what their past might have meant – but all the while stepping out into the life you could live in Christ.
You were brave, faithful and encouraging.
When your story was revealed to me, it was a product of your own real life, and now real grace: I was filled with hope.
So I want to say thank you. In the past year my own life has experienced growth, and I must thank God for the way He used the unique heart and nature of a Godly example like you to speak truth into my life. I may not have always been as active in your story, in helping you in your journey as I could have been and even wanted to be, but I was observing and learning and growing. At the time I needed to see someone who was real, someone who had hurts, yes, but also victories, heart, and emotions and was willing to be vulnerable by sharing and living their story. By allowing me to see small glimpses of who you were, it meant seeing you both in joy and sorrow, but most all of in reality.
I may have only listened to your story, and at times all I had to offer was my silence, but I was there, and am even now. So to the good person before me, who is living out their transformation, living out love, living out faith, and doing it all in a world that desperately needs rescue and restoration, I thank you.
Its not easy to take this walk of life. But it becomes easier when we communicate, share and help each other – even if that just means our interactions and relationships with each other, in whatever ways those take place, are lived honestly and to edify each other, to both our benefit and to the glory of God. By being and living as the person God made you.
Your heart and your personality – they are gifts. When I saw how easily you seemed to embrace these things, I realized that they were gifts to you, and to us all from God. This became a catalyst for growth in my own life. Your unique heart and nature were revealed in your faith, worship, and prayer, the smile on your face and the daily life you were living. It was all beautiful and good; a glory to God and a blessing to me.
Now, when I think of those times when I felt the most encouraged, I realize that it was often in my observation of God inside of you. Seeing Him shine through in every area of your life, as a bright example to all those who surrounded you. Your walk, your story, and your life was different, indeed – but different was good, helpful, and encouraging.
Seeing you becoming the person that God had intended you to be, made me realize that both of us are in this walk together, heading in the same direction yet with different roles to play in bringing life and hope to this world in our own unique way. Its all bringing me closer to His love, to His character and His heart.
We are similar in many ways, and while we are even striving to reach the same final goal, we each have our own task to encourage each other, to live these lives as Godly examples. It is also in this life that we are called to give glory to God and bring hope to this world; restoring and rescuing the love that is desperately needed.
It was your story that brought inspiration, encouragement, and hope.
It was your story, both told and untold, that helped me discover parts of my own.
So, to you my dear friend, continue to tell your story, so that others might find theirs as well.